
Design and curation for the exhibition Hure oder Heilige

Book design for Hure oder Heilige

Analog and digital publication design for Collectively Annotated Bibliography

Visual identity and communication campaign for Biennale Gherdëina

Communication materials, exhibition and catalogue design for Turm der Erinnerung in Schloss Tirol

Catalogue design for the exhibition Lo spettro di Malthus

Design and editing of the artist's book Martina Steckholzer

Visual identity and communication campaign for Literaturtage Lana

Concept, visual identity and exhibition design for the project La Carrara in Humanitas that brings masterpieces from the Accademia Carrara in the Humanitas hospitals in Bergamo

Campaign for the theatrical season 2019-2020 of the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen

The EU-project Metamorphosis Merano: Workshops for developing childfriendly neighbourhoods

Design for the photo book 100 DM

Design for the exhibition Le post é la lerch – The place is the space at Museum Ladin Ćiastel de Tor

Qui prima e poi: Collecting the cultural heritage of Parma

Communication campaign for the Summer School Südtirol

Editorial design for Laracamallo, the fifth book of the publishing house les cerises

Visual identity for the Sacrima research project on the relationships between art, aesthetics and geography in sacred images

Wayfinding system for the city of Merano

Communication materials and exhibition design for Stories by Botticelli at the Accademia Carrara

Design for the catalogue and the exhibition Low Form. Imaginaries and Visions in the Age of Artificial Intelligence at MAXXI in Rome

Concept, visual identity and exhibition design for the project La Carrara in Humanitas that brings masterpieces from the Accademia Carrara in the Humanitas hospitals in Bergamo

Visual identity, communication materials and catalogue design for the project Serie Imperiale by Flavio Favelli

Campaign for the festival Euromediterranea 2018 organised by the Alexander Langer Foundation

Campaign for the theatrical season 2018-2019 of the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen

Editorial design for Nel buco / Dans le trou, the third book of les cerises

Campaign for the theatrical season 2017-2018 of the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen

Artistic direction and layout of Progetto grafico 32

Artistic direction and layout of Progetto grafico 31

Visual identity and advertising campaign for Niederstätter Pro 17

Editorial design for New York City Babe, the third book of les cerises

Campaign for the festival Euromediterranea 2017 organised by the Alexander Langer Foundation

Naming and visual identity for Christian Mittendorfer’s wood workshop

Campaign for the theatrical season 2016-2017 of the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen

Awareness campaign for the South Tyrolean health service

Communication campaign #lamiasullacarrara

Voci dal Borgo, public space installation in Bergamo

Series of posters and webpage for the project Utopia Europa

Can palm trees fly?, a series of itinerant workshops through the streets of Merano

Artistic direction and layout of Progetto grafico 30

Visual identity for the cultural association Literatur Lana

Editorial design for Psssst psssst, the second book of the publishing project les cerises

A – Z of creative work, communication campaign for the laboratory for culture and creativity Weigh Station

Campaign for the theatrical season 2015-2016 of the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen

Communication campaign Vediamoci for the museum Accademia Carrara di Bergamo

Campaign for the theatrical season 2014-2015 of the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen

Exhibition design on the history of the “Semirurali” district

Editorial project for Nord & Süd, a business magazine from South Tyrol

Cosmo, a series of objects created from the collaboration between designers and refugee artisans

Campaign for the theatrical season 2013-2014 of the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen

Visual identity for the museum Accademia Carrara di Bergamo

Design of the artist’s book Without a proper noun by Laura Lovatel and Federica Menin

Design for the exhibition Chaos and order at the fourth edition of the Trienala Ladina

Website for the architect, author and curator Susanne Waiz

Make a left turn, sample book for the paper manufacturer Fedrigoni

Book and exhibition design for Paesaggio e ponti / Landschaft und Brücken

Naming and visual identity for Echo Film

Atelier Europa, installation in the public space and temporary atelier in the Casa della Pesa / Waaghaus in Bolzano

Campaign for the theatrical season 2012-2013 of the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen

Visual identity for the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen

Series of posters for the exhibition The New Public at Museion in Bolzano

Libera Viva, artist’s book for Elisabeth Hölzl

Editorial design of South Tyrol. Economic facts

19 × 19, traveling pavilion on oversized wheels, touring the country and communicating the European Capital of Culture

Brand identity for the company Niederstätter

A book about the Critical Complicity

Communication campaign and catalogue for the exhibition Il capolavoro non esiste / Das Meisterwerk existiert nicht

Participation in the international exhibition Graphic Design Worlds at the Triennale di Milano

Frauenbewegung ’70 – Fragments of the Women’s movement in South Tyrol, communication campaign and curatorial contribution

Catalogue design for La stalla in disuso / Der nicht mehr gebrauchte Stall

Editorial design for KataLogos, Anna Scalfi Eghenter’s monograph

Visible, research project on contemporary artistic practices: curation of a book and exhibition design

Communication campaign and catalogue for the exhibition La luce del Rinascimento / Das Licht der Renaissance

Series of objects for Famos Design, created through a laboratory for people with disabilities

Communication campaign for the series of exhibitions Respiro Barocco / Ein Hauch Barock

Wayfinding system and communication campaign for Centro Audiovisivi in Bolzano, a platform for audiovisual culture

Visual identity for Atti Democratici and concept and design of the free-press Volare O O

Setting up of an archive and design of the catalogue Urban Node – Laboratory of Memory for the village of Gallo Matese, in Campania

Visual identity, newspaper and catalogue for the Parallel Events at Manifesta 7, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art

Awareness campaign for International Women’s Day

Design of the book Casa Tabarelli 1968 – 2008

Storie di cose, exhibition and catalogue on the relationship between people and the objects of their everyday life

Editorial design for scalini 84 stufen, documentation of a place of art at the Brenner border

Exhibition design for La legge è relativa per tutti at Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo and design of the booklet Hotel Africa for formazero

Visual identity, space design and production of a lamp for Condito, a project by the cook Luis Agostini

Curation and design of the book Pre visioni del giovane Sudtirolo / Unerhört. Visionen des jungen Südtirol

Communication campaign for the exhibition Consens at the ar/ge kunst gallery in Bolzano

Franz, Fritz and Frieda, objects created for the interiors of EURAC Tower

Exhibition design, graphic design and curation of the project Intersections of art and science and of the exhibition Voci Stimmen with an installation by Rudolf Stingel

Karl I, II and III, series of benches created for the exhibition Costruire sul costruito / Auf Gebautem bauen